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On The Move
- 24th October 2023 -
Meeting a new face at 2P1, as well as:
  • Stijn De Baets is taking 20% leave in his half-time post-doctoral assistantship, until the end of his mandate (March 2024). Ellen Cruyt and Timothy Moreels each take 10% replacement.
  • Earlier this month, Elissa-Marie Cocquyt's postdoc appointment expired. She still remains connected to the department via an appointment in Groningen.
  • There are currently three vacancies for practice assistants at our department: paediatrics (replacement Vanessa Van Tittelboom), MSS and sports physio (implementation policy plan 2024). Please spread the word among potential candidates.
Emmely Van Acker - PhD Scholarship (100%)

Last year I graduated as a master in audiology, I then started working as an audiologist in hearing centre Amplifon where I worked for about a year. However, I have always been fascinated by scientific research, which is why I am very happy to have been able to start a PhD with prof. Leen Maes in October. I really enjoy working with children and during my studies I developed a keen interest in the effect of balance disorders on their development, so a PhD in paediatric vestibulogy seems like the perfect match.
In my spare time, I like to go out for dinner or drinks with the girlfriends and my favourite hobby is dancing.

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